
"Colophon" can be interpreted as "finishing touch" and usually refers to information about a published work and its creators.

This was traditionally placed by writers and publishers at the end of a book or manuscript. In fact, a phrase commonly found in old manuscripts is "Finished, thank God" (makes sense).

Mostly replaced by title or copyright pages, colophons can still be found on sites where the designers were a bit extra like Maggie Appleton, Chicago Design Office, and yours truly.


Website designed and developed by James Allen with emotional support from trusty sidekick Persephone, our retired gold medalist.


Website planned in Airtable, prototyped in Figma, and built in Webflow, a no-code website experience platform. Development was sped up with Finsweet's Client-First system and components from Relume.

The generative wave animation on the home page was built using WebGL, with art direction by Jay O'Neill and Luke Flynn at Studio Paradise, development by the team at Code on Canvas, and customization by James Allen.


Variable fonts are used throughout this site. Headers are set in Archivo by Héctor Gatti and the team at Omnibus-Type (weight 450; width 125). Body copy is set in Inter by Rasmus Andersson (weight 350).

CSS REM units, along with a fluid type scale, were used to improve the site's responsive design while respecting user accessibility and browser settings.

Special Thanks

To San Diego City College, for a world-class design program that has enabled me do work that I truly love. To Candice Lopez, MaeLin Levine, Sean Bacon, Andrea Singer, Min Choi, Paul Drohan, and the entire faculty for your dedication.

To Silvergate, for an incredible run and permission to use the bank's designs in my portfolio. To Peter Braunz, Starr Banister, Charles Simpson, and Angie Heiba for being great bosses and to all my former colleagues for being incredible to work with.